Beans Bus team headed to the great little town of Kleinmond for some exploring. On route our first stop was Cool Bay and some swimming with a little bit of caveing. Heading off to Kleinmond caravan park we found a great campsite with lots of space. The next day was action packed from a Palmiet river paddle and some cliff jumping off the bridge. A lunch at the harbour and seafood potjie on the coals for supper made sure we weren’t left hungry. The next day we woke to realise that unfortunately we had a thief in the night, but a lot could be said about the way the team dealt with the situation and the way it was handled. Well done guys and girl. Big thanks to everyone who made the weekend a wonderful one filled with some great times.
Joe: Your determination to keep up with the boys was great, and even after taking a little tumble on day 1 you didn’t let it get you down! Frikkie: Not sure how you do it, but your fan club seems to follow you wherever we go! Also well done on setting your sights on a most formidable foe…THE BRIDGE…we will do it soon. Darrel: Your Seafood Potjie deserves a mention, really delicious. Also enjoyed the bat and ball in the evenings, looking forward to the tennis soon! Piet: Our DJ on the trip, awesome music collection and loved listening to the classics. Also a big up for your insight into the field of recovery. Your experience and words of encouragement was invaluable to us all. Rick: Mr Poker Face himself…well done! Once again thanks to all and well done to keeping your attitudes positive even when faced with obstacles!
Recovery is a beautiful thing.
Especially when recovery gives us the opportunity to be the best we can be. Beans Bus spent the weekend indulging in all the magic that Beaverlac had to offer. The guys and girls on the trip were incredible and such a fun and strong group. Individually and as a group it was a very special time. The campsite was perfect and the weather the same. Max, when taking on the first challenge to the trip couldn’t have summed things up better with his wise words: “ Its all good, its part of the adventure!” Frikkie, taking on the challenge of jumping off the cliff, and becoming a local celebrity and forming his own fan club! Ruthie, who’s night time humour left us in stitches, and snack pack kept the sweet tooth happy. Safe journeys onwards! Yusaf, achieving the respectable goal of swimming in every pool and jumping every cliff. Muzi, an incredible list of firsts, from Volleyball to tuna out the tin, a very formidable hike and jumping off the rocks. Well done. Yuri, who kept the home fires burning. Chef de cuisine of this trip. His marinated chicken and meat buffet was an absolute winner. Rick, first trip as assistant guide. Proud to have you as part of the team. You put the baked beans into Beans Bus! When other campers came up to us and asked us where we were from, saying that our team spirit, and our vibe was so amazing, it was the cherry on the top. Sober, beautiful and proud. Thank you everyone for making it a very special weekend. One last shoutout...AweWolf! The clouds didn't stop us! We started the day all fired up and ready to show the pros how it is done. Harmony Rehab were the clear favorites to win till the Beans Bus secret weapon arrived, a 7ft danish destroyer. The games were tight. There was much to play for as the losing team had to go for a swim in the icy camps bay water. Lets just say I got wet a couple of times. After 5 games there was a clear winner in the Harmony/Scotswood Team. Well done those who turned up for a fun day out. Next up...Dodgeball!
A wonderful group of guys and girls joined us for a 5 day adventure down the garden route. From the Cango caves to Stormsriver mouth we made the most of each and every day. Day 2 we hit a torrential downpour that saw some of the highway being flooded and visibility in Knysna practically zero, but thanks to Oasis Rehab for providing us with a dry home for the night. Well done guys and girls for overcoming your fears, especially on the Bungee jumping, zip lining and the Blackwater Tubing, that's the courage we call up in the face of challenge that gets us through the tough times! The camping was great and the team had it down to 15min setting up, a new record for Beans Bus. Thanks to all for making it a very special trip!
A great day was had by all who joined us for the annual kite festival this year. With some great designs our aspiring aeronautical engineers showed off their creations. Proudly they took to the skies. The wind was definitely in our favour as the kites flew to great heights. The most ambitious of the lot was the Recycled Racer from Harmony, its 15min of fame only lasted for 5min as it had some technical problems early on. The Scotswood crew entered 2 kites, one was pretty in pink, and one that seemed to be weirdly attracted to the lake, maybe was a swimming kite? Both teams were quick to repair on the spot and get them up again. Well done Harmony and Scotswood for taking home the prizes. Beans Bus headed to Kogel Bay resort for a one night adventure of fishing and exploring the local caves. What an adventure it was! With the forecast predicting storms and heavy winds we headed out to the caves and went as deep as possible. Found out that the mud inside makes fantastic facial mask, except for one small fact, it’s really difficult to come off. Lesson learnt. We then tried our hand at catching the big one. With dinner at stake we threw our rods in with not much luck. Luckily we knew how to make our own bread and made some very tasty tomato, feta and garlic pies. That was for the vegans primarily as the carnivores amongst us had some prime Texan steak to indulge in. Dinner was followed by a mini meeting where we took the chance to share some of our stories and love of recovery! The next morning the heavy rains arrived so it was all hands on deck to pack up. Well done guys and girls and all those that braved the elements and made the most of it to have a great time. Well the early birds beware, when it comes to Beans Bus we up early! Especially when the worm comes smothered in delicious choc and smells like the best espresso you’ve ever had. Thanks to all who made it too the annual Coffee and Chocolate expo held at Durbanville racecourse. Loads of fun was had and too much chocolate was eaten. Listening to some great bands and enjoying the bean bags was for most the priority. Some of us fulfilling our dreams of being a big green ball we then spent some time in the Zorb, then archery class from Mr Turner. Some great innovations were to be seen, a new machine that prints whatever you want on your froth, to some amazing coffee chai, was lots to see and do. Till next year! It’s great when the weatherman is right! A perfect day was predicted and a perfect day it was. 4 guests joined Beans Bus on our inaugural surf tour. From learning the basics and a little bit of the local lingo…(Shaka) basic etiquette and safety, our guide was hands on to get them up and down…mostly down, but as we learn in the program, it’s all about getting back up again, and that they did! Well done Robbie, your efforts were well noticed and we hope you remember us when you ripping on the tour! Apologies to Leon, who headed so far out our cameraman struggled to capture you riding the big ones! Next time. After 2 hours of fun we headed to the local Pizza place for a well-deserved meal and prize giving. The awards went to…
1: Most likely to go pro award – Robin Southgate 2: Top Lebanese of the day award – Leon M 3: Sunglass Surfer of the sand award – Jo X Well done all, thanks for joining Beans Bus and we hope to see you again soon! So Beans Bus has found a fan. Mathew returned for a second leg on his Cape Recovery Tour! This time we took him too Beaverlac for a 3 day Sober adventure. First on the to do list was set up camp and then head for a jump off the rocks. After that was skills class (Fire making 101), and after a mini meeting and a great meal we hit the sacks.
Day 2 was rise and shine, breakfast and the big hike. Along the way we made a detour and challenged ourselves to a free climbing session up one of the many cliffs along the route. Once completed we headed up on the path until we arrived at the Totem Poles. Lunch was served then made our way back to Camp. We woke up to a wet and windy day 3 morning, but our spirits were lifted with the finest coffee Beans could provide. With a great trip behind us we headed on home. One pit stop and a couple more coffees and mission accomplished! Thank you Mathew for choosing Beans Bus Recovery Tours. Here’s wishing you a safe trip back to Joburg and keep the spirit of recovery alive!
AuthorDavid Biggs Archives
August 2021
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